encoord is an energy modelling software company that provides solutions to integrate and coordinate coupled energy systems. Our mission is to provide decision makers with solutions to decarbonize energy systems. One of the major challenges to decarbonize power systems is the need for long-term storage due to the seasonality of energy demand and renewable energy sources. Electrolytic hydrogen produced with curtailed renewable electricity is one of the major potential sources of long-term storage. It can be injected in a blended gas network, used to generate synthetic methane, and used as a fuel to decarbonize industrial, transportation, and heating processes that can’t be electrified. Integrating and coordinating coupled electricity, gas, and heat networks is one the major opportunities to decarbonize the economy. Energy systems’ planning and operational decisions are informed by mathematical models that represent their physical and market dynamics. Different energy networks are modelled by different tools. In order to model the interactions between different energy networks, different models need to be run iteratively, in ways that are often time consuming, error prone, and even incompatible. We address these challenges by providing solutions to model coupled energy systems. Our core solution, the Scenario Analysis Interface for Energy Systems (SAInt) is the only commercial software that can model coupled energy systems using different modelling approaches, including simulation and optimization algorithms in a single environment and graphical user interface. SAInt is currently licensed by electricity network operators, research organizations, and universities to model coupled electricity and natural gas transmission network operations.