Day 1 - 13 May
Welcome lunch and registration
Opening session - Technology for Change, Change for Technology
This first session will present facts about 2020 and projections for 2030: what do we know about the framework in which the grid will develop? Topics to be addressed include the hypecycle for digital and disruptive innovation technologies (batteries, e-vehicles), the innovation policy in place, the targets for 2030 (Clean Energy Package and Paris Agreement).
Opening statements by Pascale Fonck, Vice-Chair of ENTSO-E & Christian Buchel, Chair of E.DSO
Maive Rute, Joint Research Center
Christoph Frei, World Energy Council
Leonardo Meeus, Florence School of Regulation, Vlerick Business School
Followed by audience poll and discussion
Ana Aguado scholarship award - announcement of winners
Coffee break
CEO business track panel on innovation - The best innovation success, the best lesson from a flaw
Innovation is not only about success, but also about learning from what went wrong. With this in mind, the CEO panel will discuss experience from the business life. They will refer each to two concrete projects on R&D they went through and that changed their life. What, in CEO‘s innovation experience, has best delivered, and what flaw has led to the best learning?
Introductory statement by Mark McGranaghan, EPRI
Yves Zumwald, CEO of Swissgrid
Chris Peeters, CEO of Elia Group
Ingrid Thijssen, CEO of Alliander
Susanne Fabry, Head of Steering Energy Networks Germany, E.ON
Food for Thoughts - New perspectives
Arun Kumar Verma, ISGAN Executive Committee representative from India and Joint Secretary at the Indian Ministry of Power
Shuli Goodman, Executive Director, LF Energy
Power Network Innovation Award
Laureates of the Power Network Innovation Award will be officially announced and will present their innovative ideas
Networking dinner
Network with event’s sponsors and R&D Innovative projects exhibiting
Day 2 - 14 May
Welcome coffee day 2
Innovation for the physical grid: New technologies and grid planning
Breakout session - Room Chaplin
Technical & interactive session presenting top projects covering e.g. new components, superconductors, storage for the grid, digital twins for grid planning, HDVC/HVAC… How to ensure cost-effectiveness when implementing new technologies? Are we ready to plan the system with new actors such as storage, EV, DER ? …
Session Leads: Rosana Martin, Iberdrola & Norela Constantinescu, ENTSO-E
PLANET - Antonis Papanikolaou, Hypertech
FLEXITRANSTORE - Nikolaos Bilidis, European Dynamics
InteGRIDy - Javier Valiño, Atos
PROMOTioN - Cornelis Plet, DNV GL Energy
Active Customer, Active System Management
Breakout session - Main conference room
Technical & interactive session presenting top projects. Will include a presentation of the joint TSO-DSO report on active system management and focus on innovation needs for deploying ASM & perspectives from stakeholders.
Session leads: Torsten Knop, innogy and Gerda de Jong, ENTSO-E
Presentation of the TSO-DSO common report “An integrated approach to Active System Management” - Mathilde Lallemand, ENTSO-E and Luis Cunha, EDP Distribuição
DA\RE - Michael Jesberger, TransnetBW GmbH
InterFlex - Christian Dumbs, Enedis
Joint presentation of INTERRFACE & CoordiNet - George Boultadakis, European Dynamics and Manolis Voumvoulakis, HEDNO
Coffee break
Sector coupling and storage
Breakout session - room Chaplin
Technical & interactive session presenting top projects, in the field of e.g. electrification, technology mix, optimization among the systems, system of systems.
Session leads: Fons Jansen, Enexis & Cristina Gomez Simon, ENTSO-E
Osmose - Nathalie Grisey, RTE
Arrowhead Tools - John Lindström, Lulea University of Technology
EU-SysFlex - Helena Gerard, EnergyVille/VITO
InteGrid - Ricardo André, EDP Distribuição
Advanced grids resilience
Breakout session - main conference room
Technical & interactive session presenting top projects in the field of e.g. cybersecurity, smart network maintenance, protection against extreme climate conditions & hazards.
Session leads: Jan Okko Ziegler, Enel Global Infrastructure & Networks & Ioannis Theologitis, ENTSO-E
FutureFlow - Darko Kramar, ELES
MIGRATE - Hannes Munzel, TenneT
SOGNO - Marco Pau, RWTH Aachen University
RESERVE - Antonello Monti, RWTH Aachen University
Lunch break
Summary of breakout sessions
Jean-Michel Glachant, Director, Florence School of Regulation
Power Platforms on the Rise
What are the emerging power platforms? Presentation of some examples from ENTSO-E and E.DSO on emerging platforms and cooperation on platforms.
Moderation by Ronnie Belmans, Professor at KULeuven, CEO of EnergyVille, and Executive Director of the Global Smart Grid Federation
Mark van Stiphout, Deputy Head of Unit C2 DG ENER, European Commission
Roberto Zangrandi, Secretary-General, E.DSO
Laurent Schmitt, Secretary-General, ENTSO-E
Natalie Samovich, Head of Research and Innovation, Enercoutim / Alliance for Internet of Things Innovation (AIOTI)
Coffee break
Time to Market
This panel looks at obstacles to deploying the future grid and how they could be overcome.
Introduction and moderation by Michael Walsh, SmartWires
Remko Bos, Council of European Energy Regulators
Anjos Nijk, European Network for Cyber Security
Jochen Kreusel, VP T&D Europe
Matthew Williams, Faraday Grid
Closing session - Investment for a COP21 compliant grid: Recommendations for the Infrastructure Forum
Presentation of the joint recommendations by Laurent Schmitt, ENTSO-E and Roberto Zangrandi, E.DSO
Paola Bresesti, Technical Advisor for Electricity Transmission and Distribution, EIB
Catharina Sikow-Magny, Head of Unit for Networks & Regional Initiatives, European Commission
End of conference